ProjectsProject Details

Melanoma Detection and Segmentation

Project ID: 5613-2-20
Year: 2021
Student/s: Liel Nagar, Shir Hayut
Supervisor/s: Yair Moshe

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that is both common and dangerous. Today, in order to diagnose skin cancer, a checkup must be performed by a dermatologist. For the doctor, such a procedure takes a long time. Marpe Technologies has developed an advanced scanning system, which includes a camera that scans the entire body of the patient and alerts the physician when it detects suspicious spots. A previous project on the subject was carried out in collaboration with Marpe Technologies in order to create a trained model that classifies images at technician-level as "suspicious moles" or "unsuspected areas". In this project, which is a continuation of the previous project mentioned above, the main goal is to visualize the network using the Grad-Cam algorithm to understand what factors lead it to fail in identification so that we can improve its accuracy in these cases. In contrast to the previous project technician-level classification, our aim is to classify patches at physician-level using a dataset of images labeled in advance by a physician.

Poster for Melanoma Detection and Segmentation
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