Cancer is a major challenge to modern medicine, the disease has many victims everywhere in the world, therefore multiple efforts and resources are invested in the attempt for cancer annihilation. As part of the characterization of diseases in general and especially cancer, early detection has the potential to increase the patient's chances of recovery.
The primary goal of the project - early identification of external cancer (tongue/ cheek /Lip) using cooling and heating patterns of these biological tissues.
Using image processing technologies and deep learning systems, we will try to identify characteristics and features unique to cancer cells, so that they can be distinguished from healthy cells.
The project has two parts, one dealing with mouse tissues and the other dealing with human tissues. The project was performed in collaboration with HT Bioimaging - from which we received the thermal videos of mice and humans presenting areas affected by cancer and healthy areas alongside them with medical ground truth separation masks. In terms of quantitative measures of success, the project reached impressive results in the first part, while the second part showed the feasibility of the proposed algorithm for cancer detection.