The composition of a promotional brochure is the characteristics and relations between the different objects within it, among those their location, color and shape. Composition has a crucial importance to the degree of success in which the brochure manages to convey the desired message.
Despite of the great importance of composition to the success of the brochure, the designer is tasked with designing it and matching it to the brochure's topic, without a convenient tool that allows using generic compositions that were found suitable for certain topics.
The goal of this project is to examine different methods to detect, locate and analyze the different objects in the brochure: text, images and geometrical elements, and creating an algorithm that analyzes the brochures composition in a format that is convenient to use as a generic design.
As a part of the project, an algorithm for brochure content identification is implemented in MATLAB. The algorithm's performance was tested using a dataset with brochures of various designs. The algorithm exhibited good content identification and analysis abilities.