ProjectsProject Details

Ultrasonic User Authentication With Smartphones

Project ID: 6471-1-22
Year: 2022
Student/s: Ofir Ben Yosef, Neta Gevirtzer
Supervisor/s: Alon Eilam

The goal of this work is to implement a solution to the smart user authentication, without users contact with the workstation. The solution includes two applications; the first one is an Android app at the users smartphone which indicates the presence of the user near the workstation. The second app is a windows app which serves as a dynamic lock screen for the workstation. The solution is implemented by using an audio signal, consisted of combination of chosen frequencies, which creates a symbol. A sequence of four symbols is the password for locking\unlocking the workstation. The password played by the mobile phone is encrypted and generated randomly for each user. The decoder is saved at the workstation and enables the password decryption. Locking and unlocking the workstation is made possible by using buttons at the Android app that allow the user to control the state of the lock screen. In addition, by using the existing accelerometer on the Smartphone there is an option for automatic locking once the workstation detects movement of the smartphone and absence of the user.

Poster for Ultrasonic User Authentication With Smartphones